Who We Are…
RICCF is a member organization of nonprofit providers of social and health services to children, youth, and their families and allied advocacy organizations. The Coalition seeks to prevent and/or address the needs of children, youth, and their families who are at risk or in crisis due to factors including but not limited to poverty, behavioral or physical health issues, and family violence. The work of the Coalition includes: promoting the availability of state and federal resources to address basic family and safety needs and promoting a comprehensive and effective array of community-based social services.
We encourage support from individuals and the business community. For more information, please contact the Coalition staff at info@riccf.org.
Scroll for News and Events…
Children in Crisis Can’t Wait
The Case for System Transformation
FY’25 Legislative/Budget Priorities
Human Services In Rhode Island
A workforce report developed by the Hassenfeld Institute for Public Leadership of Bryant University in partnership with RICCF.
Call to Action: Workforce Crisis
70 RI health and human service organizations call for a special session on the workforce crisis.
Looming Crisis in Human Services Workforce
The op-ed "Looming Crisis in Human Services Workforce" warns of the current challenges.
Coronavirus Information and Resources
Helpline is available everyday (weekends included)
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: 401-222-8022 | After hours: Call 211
Email: RIDOH.COVID19Questions@health.ri.gov
Our Organizational Priorities